3 wheel walkers

3 Wheel Walkers

Recommendations, How-to and A Buying Guide

3 wheel walkers are rolling walkers with hand brakes, a bag/basket and 3 wheels. They are mobility products for the elderly that can help prevent falls.

Is your loved one having some balance and strength issues?

Are they starting to hold onto furniture or walls while walking around their home?

A 3 wheel walker might be something to consider that can make their life safer and easier.

They reduce the risk of falling and can improve confidence the elderly have of their walking ability.

It is not uncommon for elderly to have a fear of falling, especially if they or their friends have had a fall resulting in an injury.

It's important to make sure that this type of walker is the right mobility aid for your senior.


3 wheel walkers

3 wheel walkers are very similar to rollator walkers as they are both rolling walkers and have a bag/basket and hand brakes.

However, they do not have a seat and are not as stable as a rollator.

Some seniors feel that a 3 wheel walker is a little more maneuverable than a rollator walker and can be used more easily in small spaces.

I recommend rollator walkers the majority of the time as they are more stable, the seat is a convenient feature and I do not notice that they are less maneuverable.

Who Should Use?

Three wheel walkers are good mobility aids for elderly that need support due to issues with balance, strength and endurance.

Elderly who need more support than a folding cane but less than a rollator walker.

Elderly who do not need a seat to sit on as this type of walker does not have one.

Who Should NOT Use?

Elderly who need more support should consider a rollator walker or other types of walkers for elderly.

Elderly with endurance issues who would benefit from a built in seat should consider a rollator.

Recommended Features

3 wheel walkers

Good 3 wheel walkers will have the following features:

  • Height adjustable handles - So the senior can adjust it to the proper height
  • Larger wheels - At least 8" in diameter so that it easily rolls over uneven ground
  • Bag/basket - Convenient to carry items such as groceries.
  • Comfortable handles and brakes - Make sure the senior finds the handles comfortable and that they can use the brakes.
  • Locking brakes - Prevent it from rolling away and increases safety when transferring (ex. moving from sitting to standing).


3 wheel walkers

There are a number of walker accessories including:

  • Bags/baskets - There are a wide variety to suit different styles and interests.
  • Oxygen bottle holders - Are highly recommended for elderly that use oxygen.
  • Cane holders - Some seniors like to carry a cane for situations where a walker will not fit (ex. small bathroom).

For more information: Walker Accessories

How to Fit

Similar to other mobility aids, the handles of the three wheel walker should be at the same level of their wrists when they are by their side.

How to measure:

  • Have the senior wear their regular shoes
  • Have them stand by a chair or wall for support
  • Have them put one arm by their side
  • Measure from the ground to the crease of the wrist
  • This should be the approximate location of the handle height (within 1 inch).

Make sure they you can adjust the walker handle height up/down 1 inch from this height as some elderly prefer to move it slightly up/down based on personal preference and comfort.

How to Use a 3 Wheel Walker

3 wheel walkers

The proper way to use this type of walker:

  • Make sure the brakes are on - most lock by pushing the levers down.
  • Stand tall with both feet in line with the rear wheels
  • Elbows should be slightly bent in a natural position
  • Walk forward with the walker - Try to maintain a natural walking position, do not lean forward or have the walker too far in front.
  • Lock the brakes when getting into/out of chair, couch, bed or car.

How Much Do They Cost?

3 wheel walkers can cost $100-500 depending on the quality and features.

I recommend buying a walker that is as high quality as the senior can afford. They work better, last longer and most have replacement parts - whereas discount models do not have replacement parts and do not last as long.

Other Types of Walkers

3 wheel walkers

There are a variety of other walkers, including:

  • Folding walker - Standard walker with 4 legs and no wheels.
  • Front wheel walker - Standard walker with two wheels and two legs/skis.
  • Rollator walker - 4 wheels, bag/basket, seat and hand brakes.
  • Knee walker - Wheeled specialized walker for seniors with leg/foot surgery or fracture.
  • U-Step walker - Specialized wheeled walker designed for elderly with neurological conditions such as Parkinson's Disease.

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